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Did You Know

We all know that a dirty trash bin will smell. Sometimes it's easier to just hold your breath while you take out the trash rather than go through the trouble of cleaning it! However, there might be more dangers lurking in your dirty trash bin than you know. The combination of old garbage and food mixed with the warm environment of your trash bin creates issues such as mold and bacteria, not to mention the insects and other pests that are attracted to the foul smell. Getting into the habit of regularly cleaning your trash bin will avoid these issues and create a much more pleasant experience for you on trash day!



Odors build, as gasses form in your trash bin.

It is likely that most of your waste includes food scraps and other things that emit odor as they start to break down. Have you ever noticed the smell of a rotten egg coming from your trash bin? This means that hydrogen sulfide gas has formed because your waste is breaking down. Hydrogen sulfide isn't harmful, however, it can still irritate your eyes, nose, and respiratory system.



Salmonella, E. Coli & Listeria breed in dirty trash bins.

Warm environments like your dirty trash bins are the perfect breeding ground for bacteria such as Salmonella, E. coli, and Listeria. Salmonella forms from raw meat, uncooked poultry, and eggs, E. coli forms from raw or undercooked food and fecal-contaminated food, and Listeria forms from improperly processed deli meats.

While you are not intentionally ingesting these bacteria from your trash bin, you could inadvertently come in contact with them as you take out your trash. Regularly cleaning your trash bins will remove the chance for these bacteria to form, thus keeping you and your family safe.




Moisture and a warm environment create a hot spot for mold.

Mold can also form in your trash bin due to excess moisture in a warm environment. There are over 100,000 types of mold and not all are dangerous. However, if you or a family member have asthma, a mold allergy, or another type of respiratory disease, mold in your trash bin is an issue that you want to avoid. Cleaning your trash bin regularly will avoid this!



Insects and other pests love dirty trash bins.

You already know that flies love trash. If you notice flies hovering around your trash bin, that is a sign that it is definitely time for a good cleaning! If your trash can is not regularly cleaned, those flies might start to lay their eggs, meaning that you will eventually have a maggot problem in your trash bin. Gross!

Flies aren't the only insect attracted to your dirty trash can. Wasps, bees, and other pests like raccoons might make their way over to find out what all the stench is about. Avoid this with a freshly cleaned trash bin!




Help us Keep Our Lakes, Rivers, And The Environment Clean


People try to clean their trash can on their own all the time. Most people pour some bleach or other types of industrial cleaners in their can and fill it up with cold water. Cold water from your water hose is useless, because in order to be effective, your water must be at least 150 degrees Fahrenheit. In some city ordinances, cleaning chemicals such as bleach, ammonia, detergents, and acids in your runoff to the sewers is illegal. When contaminated water enters the storm drains, it goes into our lakes, rivers, and other natural bodies of water. Curbside Bin Washings system is designed to capture the dirty water, and dispose of it properly. On average, our system will use approximately 4 gallons of water to clean the trash cans, which is a significantly low amount of water use. The low amount of water use will help minimize the effect of water shortages and droughts, also it will divert less water from our lakes and rivers which will help our environment stay healthy. So let Curbside Bin Washing do the dirty work for you!!!


Did You Know: Text
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